Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kristy & Rudy are getting MARRIED today!

Can't wait to photograph their beautiful wedding today! Congrats Rudy & Kristy! Here are some photos from their engagement shoot in Laguna Beach.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Time For Change

It's time for change! Change is no good for me at all! I hate making decisions that are important because that means it's going to take me FOREVER to settle on a final decision!!! And well it did. It wasn't until I needed to order more business cards that I finally bit the bullet and decided ok lets get down to business and change the business. Thankfully I have a talented husband who took my new logo idea and sketched it by hand and "voila" I had a new logo that I absolutely LOVE!!!

Along with needing to change branding I needed to make the dreaded price change. I struggled with this the most. After diving into the oh so not fun part of business the money part, it hit me hard that I had to change that too. Wanting to continue to provide the highest quality to my clients forced me to make this change. The new pricing will begin in June.

$125 - 1 hour photo session outdoors. Will receive a disc of 20-30 images in high resolution in color.

$150 - 1 hour photo session outdoors. Will receive a disc of 20-30 images in high resolution in color, black & white and aged along with a $25 print credit.

$175 - Studio Newborn Session. Will receive a disc of 20-30 images in high resolution in color, black & white and aged along with a $25 print credit.
*Pricing is for up to 5 people. Any additional is $15 per person.
 Inside of pricing/what to expect/print sheet I will mail out for new customers
Another aspect of my business I wanted to offer to clients was prints. I thought to myself, "Ok my clients are paying to have professional pictures taken and then taking their discs to get prints at Costco?" Places like Costco, Sam's Club and Walgreens etc. don't like to take the hours I have spent editing your images into consideration. They take the files and do an auto correct on them and then bam you have a low quality print from your high quality photo session. I encourage you to take advantage of the $150 photo session with the $25 print credit. In order to keep cost low I am not making any money on prints. I just want you all to have beautiful prints to cherish! Print prices are...

8 wallets - $10
5x7 - $6
8x10 - 9
8x12 - $15
11x14 - $20
16x20 - $30
20x24 - $40
20x30 - $45
Prints must be ordered within 2 weeks of receiving the disc.
 Many new customers ask me "What to Expect" questions so I've included this in the new customer mailer I'll send out.
Thank you all who have supported this dream of mine. It blesses my heart to continually take photos of families and photograph and meet new families all the time. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my mom’s birthday. As I think about my mom today I can’t help but reminisce about my childhood growing up with her. 
As a rebellious, bratty child I looked at my mom as a mean, unfair and uncool mom that would make me and my sisters run around 3 grocery stores everyday after school with coupons in hand. Or drive around to every library to check out 5 picture books to get a free In-n-Out meal bookmark. Mind you my older sister and I were in high school so clearly we were too old for picture books. But hey we ate at In-n-out free for over a year! I never stopped and thought wow my mom is awesome for driving my sisters and I to school, softball, basketball and dance practice. I wish I could say I was that sweet child that obeyed my parents and was appreciative of everything they did, but I can’t. 
As a rebellious, disrespectful, bratty teenager my view of my mom only got worse. Getting older meant I had more responsibilities and activities to take away for my bad behavior. And as those privileges were taken away it only grew my animosity towards her. Again I never stepped back and thought wow thank you mom for driving 20 minutes to my friend’s house so I can hang out and then driving 20 minutes again two hours later to pick me up. Instead my thoughts were “sheesh why does she have to pick me up so early? I’m so embarrassed.” I know I know what a brat! RIght?
Now as an adult, wife and mom I look at my mom as a strong, beautiful, loving mom and have the utmost respect and truly honored that God would choose her to be my mom. It’s amazing how as children and teenagers we view our parents as monsters and then as maturity sets in as adults we begin to change our perspective. Before when people would tell me, “wow you are just like your mother,” I would get offended. Now you couldn’t pay me more of a compliment!
My mom is no where near your “typical” mom. We don’t exchange hugs or I love you’ s. But when she randomly stops by my house excited to show me a new Roxy dress she got me, that tells me “I love you.” A psychologist would probably analyze that behavior as incorrect and would want my mom to work on telling me I love you, but not me I would have it no other way. Not because I like to get gifts, it has nothing to do with the item, it’s the unspoken words that are exchanged with that adorable Roxy dress she got on clearance for $10 from Ross!
As I read Proverbs 31:10-31 also known as “The Proverbs 31 Woman” I am reminded of the mom that I have always had even though my view of her has not always been positive. 
Who can find a virtuous and capable wife?
    She is more precious than rubies.

Her husband can trust her,
    and she will greatly enrich his life.
 She brings him good, not harm,
    all the days of her life.
 She finds wool and flax
    and busily spins it.
 She is like a merchant’s ship,
    bringing her food from afar.
 She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household
    and plan the day’s work for her servant girls.
 She goes to inspect a field and buys it;
    with her earnings she plants a vineyard.
 She is energetic and strong,
    a hard worker.
 She makes sure her dealings are profitable;
    her lamp burns late into the night.
 Her hands are busy spinning thread,
    her fingers twisting fiber.
 She extends a helping hand to the poor
    and opens her arms to the needy.
 She has no fear of winter for her household,
    for everyone has warm[b] clothes.
 She makes her own bedspreads.
    She dresses in fine linen and purple gowns.
 Her husband is well known at the city gates,
    where he sits with the other civic leaders.
 She makes belted linen garments
    and sashes to sell to the merchants.
 She is clothed with strength and dignity,
    and she laughs without fear of the future.
 When she speaks, her words are wise,
    and she gives instructions with kindness.
 She carefully watches everything in her household
    and suffers nothing from laziness.
 Her children stand and bless her.
    Her husband praises her:
 “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,
    but you surpass them all!”
 Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last;
    but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
 Reward her for all she has done.
    Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.” Proverbs 31:10-31 NLT

Zoe means Life!

Watching Mr. & Mrs. Duggar on 19 Kids and Counting teach their 18 month old how to hold a baby because they were expecting baby number 20 gave Ashley a sense of desire for the same interaction to teach her 20 month old daughter Eden. For the past few days she had been wondering if she too was pregnant. “Connor I think you should go get a pregnancy test,” she insisted.
Moments later she announced, “We’re going to have to buy Eden a baby doll.” Connor sat motionless and speechless. Wanting to be excited they couldn’t get passed the dark fear that sat in their hearts. “I’m scared,” Connor confessed as he held his crying wife. 
Two months before finding out they were expecting baby number two Ashley was in her 9th week of pregnancy. Visiting the Pregnancy Resource Center where they had volunteered, they had an ultrasound done to see their baby. Excited to get a glimpse, they waited anxiously for the tech to update them on their baby. Having difficultly with the ultrasound, the tech asked Ashley to drink more water. The tech tried again. Connor was waiting outside the room as Ashley had another ultrasound done. 
“I’m not suppose to legally tell you this, but I think something is wrong and you need to call your doctor,” the tech explained. All Ashley could say as she walked out of the room to meet Connor was “It’s too early.” Together they went into a separate room with a friend and the news of a possible miscarriage hit Ashley and she began to sob uncontrollably. Connor was silent. “God I pray for your peace and love to be over Connor and Ashley…” their friend prayed. They left with hope and reminded themselves that it isn’t true until it happens.
After many more ultrasounds and blood tests at the hospital, it was confirmed that Ashley was indeed in the process of miscarrying. In only a few days after finding out there was no baby growing, on April 11, 2011 Ashley miscarried in the bathroom of the hospital. 
“Why God? I’m not strong enough. I can’t do this. Why us? Connor just lost his job now you’re taking our baby away?” Confused, angry and sad Ashley cried out to God wanting answers. As the reality of no longer being pregnant hit Ashley, all she could do was cling to the hope and truth of God’s promises to her. “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand,” Isaiah 41:10.
As time passed, peace overwhelmed her, she began to believe what Isaiah wrote in chapter 41. She started to see God’s gentle hand in the miscarriage. They surrounded themselves with loved ones and continued life as loving parents to their daughter Eden.
Sitting on the couch after finding out she was pregnant for the third time, Ashley couldn’t stop herself from the inevitable thoughts of panic and fear. She didn’t want to become attached again. She needed to guard her fragile heart. 
Thoughts of doubt flooded her mind. ” Will we love her the same as Eden? How are we going to afford this? Are we trying to put this pregnancy into our own hands?” With severe complications during the first two trimesters of this pregnancy, Ashley couldn’t stop the fear that seemed to drown her heart.
“Fear not, for I am with you…” Isaiah 41 would comfort and continue to remind her of God’s presence.
On February 17th Zoe Joy Thompson was born. Embracing their new daughter, Connor and Ashley cried, thanked God and couldn’t imagine life without their two sweet daughters. 
As life with their new family finally seemed to be settling in, they received a call from the hospital informing them that Zoe’s blood tests at birth showed an elevated level of ammonia and her kidney’s weren’t filtering correctly pointing to a possible metabolic disease requiring hospitalization. 
The familiar sense of fear flooded Connor and Ashley’s hearts once again. After having the second round of tests done, Ashley reached out to her loved ones for immediate prayer. On their way home they received a call that the levels had gone down and Zoe did not need to be hospitalized. They would have to wait another 2 weeks for the remainder of the results to come back.
As they waited for the results of the metabolic testing to come back they prayed for healing. During their prayers, they remembered the meaning of Zoe. “Zoe means life,” they reminded themselves. They knew when they chose her name that it was the perfect name the Lord wanted them to call her. Clinging to her meaning they knew the Lord was promising them she would be ok.
Two weeks turned into four weeks and they finally received the results from the testing. No sign of the metabolic disease! 
After a year has past since the miscarriage and as they embrace their daughters, they praise and thank the Lord for His faithfulness and love. 


Back to the basics

I recently attended a speaking engagement by a wedding photographer named Jasmine Star. Honestly I had never heard of her before. I wasn’t following her on twitter or her blog and “liked” her facebook page 2 hours before I headed to see her speak. But something in me told me you have to go.
For one I HATE going to anything by myself. I mean literally hate it! I’ve always tagged along with someone and been their shadow. In Jr. High I went to the High School youth group at church with my older sister just so I didn’t have to go to the Jr. High one by myself. Not that I would label myself a follower, I just liked/like to have a moral supporter with me. The thought of making conversation still gives me anxiety. I’m just not good at it. But man let me tell you once you do get to know me you’re gonna think “what the heck you don’t ever shut up!”
So here’s the problem with blogging that I have. Seems like I have to have this right? I’m a photographer and a photographer has a website, blog and facebook page. Ok so the website is easy, just write a nice little bio about yourself and put your best work on it and BAM you really only have to revisit it here and there to update new photos. Ok got that, DONE! Facebook gets a little more personal but not too bad. For one Facebook only allows you to write so much in a post so I don’t necessarily need to sit down and get too personal. Just upload a handful of photos of my recent session and DONE! Now here comes the blog. Hmmmm runs through my head. Do I have time for this? Will anyone follow? Heck will anyone click on the link? Am I even interesting? I don’t even know if my parents have looked at my website. YIKES! So I’ve left the blog untouched.
Getting back to where I started this post to the speaking engagement with Jasmine Star. As I sat there I felt my reason for being there was like non other in that room. Sure it was awesome to sit amongst other talented people and listen to a woman who in 6 years has created this incredibly successful wedding photography business and tours the country inspiring little people like me who doesn’t even come sort of close to that. But what stuck out to me the most as I sat there was the sweet voice the Lord was whispering in my ear. A voice that I have been ignoring for years thinking “I don’t need you I got this.” Clearly I don’t “got this” and I knew it for a long time. But dang I don’t like giving up control and I know the Lord was asking me to do that. So I ignored Him.
As I listened to Jasmine talk about doing this and don’t do that and as I listened to the struggles and questions other photographers had for her I kept thinking, “ya ok thats nice but that’s still not what I need.” Then I heard the Lord whisper “get back to the basics.” Basics? I thought. “Hmmm ok I am not going back to school! Please tell me I’m not going way back to the basics of school!” I yelled in my head. As I continued to listen to the Q & A I kept going back to the afternoon I sat in the bookstore where I worked 5 years ago at the Packinghouse Church. I was at a point of complete surrender to God and where He wanted me to go next. I had already spent 2 1/2 years in college studying EMT and then Athletic Training and I was lost. I had no desire for any of those directions or any direction really at all. And because dropping out of school or even taking a break from college was not an option and semester registration was the next week I pleaded, begged and demanded God to give me an answer! Thankfully God isn’t a brat like me and He gently told me to be quiet and listen. So I did. Then I heard Him say “I want you to write.” Ya ok well that definitely wasn’t coming from my head because I could barely pass my English courses with a C. What did I do when I heard that? I stopped being quiet of course and started demanding answers again. I wanted God to explain why He was just now leading me down this direction after I wasted years of schooling! Again gently I felt Him reminding me that I never asked where He wanted me to study. Oops duh He was right. I didn’t ask. I assumed when I graduated high school that because I like blood and gore and didn’t want a career inside that I would become a paramedic.
The point of this rambling is to remind myself to get back to the basics. When God revealed writing to me that afternoon I no longer doubted Him. I had no idea what that meant, but I knew that I would go for it and not look back. So I changed my major again to writing. Everyone in my life was so incredibly confused by this. My dad told me, “well Di that’s great but I’ve read your English papers.” And my mom begged me not to be a writer. All valid emotions because when I told everyone I’m gonna be a writer with enthusiasm and excitement, their next question was always, “ok so what are you gonna do with that?” My answer, “I don’t know God hasn’t told me that part.” Sounds so crazy and foolish I know. As I sit here and write this long post about the Lord speaking to me I’m imagining people thinking, ok she’s crazy! But you have to know God and have a personal relationship with Him to really understand when I say “He whispered to me.”
So that’s where I’m at now getting back to the basics. God didn’t tell at the beginning of all this to be a photographer, He told me to be a writer. And because I trust His calling I’m gonna go for it and write. I have had the honor to have a published story in Cal State Fullerton’s magazine in 2008 so that makes me legit right? Of course I’m not gonna lay down my camera and say sayonara and just write, but I am gonna say hello to the keyboard and write the stories that are behind the faces that I photograph.
My first entry that I am really excited and terrified to write will be of my dear friends Connor and Ashley Thompson.
My hope and prayer through this blog is that you would be able to get to know me more and the beautiful lives of those I photograph. I am truly blessed to be following God’s plan for my life and getting to know people I would never have the courage to talk to if it were not for a camera!
If you have taken the time to read this, I love you and thank you ;)

Welcome to my photography blog!

I would love to tell you all that I have grown up with a camera in my hand always taking photos, but I didn’t. My memories as a child and a career always centered on blood and gore. I know so weird to think of a 10 year old wanting to cut someone open. I did. I wanted to be an emergency room doctor and I wanted them to say “paging Dr. Loveless.” Doesn’t that sound so cool? A long story short I started as an EMT at Crafton Hills College, then onto Athletic Training at Cal State Fullerton and finally after God’s leading through many prayers and tears and through this verse, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) I graduated from CSUF with my bachelors in Photo-Communications. Three years later I am a blessed woman, wife, mom, daughter, sister and business woman.
I hope to use this blog as an opportunity to display the amazing people I am honored and blessed to photograph. Thank you all who have supported this little business of mine.